
So, this is my Blog, my thoughts / feelings / ideas. You may comment if you like. If you attack me, I come back at you with reckless / racist / suicidal abandon. If you compliment me, I thank you. If you don't ever visit again I don't care. Other than that, just enjoy what I write, or not.

LIU - Look It Up!


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Number plates, tortoises, and other stuff

Big thing overseas, and for the past couple of years, big thing in RSA as well. I just don't think we have got to the level yet where someone is willing to pay millions for a specific plate - but it's probably coming. Every now and then you spot a clever one, one that makes no sense, and one that highlights the mental capacity / personal opinion of the owner / driver of the car.
I saw this one, and decided it was worth taking a pic of, and posting here.
As far as driver capability goes, I will never know. He was stuck in the same traffic jam I was in, so either he didn't know a faster route, or he really can't drive a damn!
Then there is the pet tortoise at a mates place. It is very tame, but seriously aggressive, in so far as if he walks up to you, and you don't take care, he tucks his head in, and rams the front of his shell into your shins! If he happens to hit the chair leg, he's taking you, with the chair for a walk. So, when he gets a bit much, we kind of take his legs out of under him. Keeps him "quiet" for a while, and us safe. Skillie keeps "swimming"!
This past weekend was spent with friends at the Vaal Dam. (LIU) and much fun was had by all. It's the first time in years me and LuckyL got to go do a spot of fishing, and soon enough my mates sons, 3 of them, and son in law, joined in. Overall we netted 26 fish, of all sizes, with the biggest one (mine) weighing in at 1.2kg. All the fish were returned to the dam when we packed up.
Not sure how this goes down overseas, but here in RSA the local municipality is responsible for keeping pavements, verges, etc, clean. Cutting the grass is one of their tasks. In most areas, this is outsourced to a private company, and these guys go out with a team of workers, who, brandishing bushcutters / weed eater, cut everything they come across down to ground level. Apart from the fact that they cause a lot of damage to passing cars by throwing up stones which chip the paintwork, or worse, crack the glass, they also throw the cut grass into the road. Instead of sweeping this up (it's not part of their contract) it is left there, to blow around, or, as is the case in this photo, it gets washed down the storm water drains. Great, and we wonder why the drains are blocked, and the roads flood? There is no intelligence left in our municipalities, or even the Metro Police, who don't realize that this action is in contravention of some or other municipal / local by-law. It's how its done, and that's that!

Was walking through Pick & Pay (LIU) the other day, and happened to spot this piece of cheese. Now I'm the first person to pay good money for good cheese, but this is ridiculous! R999.99 per Kilo? U got to be shitting me!!!!
This photo has not been edited! There actually is a spot where the Metro guys sit with the speed trapping cameras on a regular basis, and they don't seem concerned by the comment!!
OK, so now I've posted all the pics I have been keeping on the laptop, and can delete them.
Hope you all enjoyed them!


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