So, week before the Margate Hardly Ferguson "rally", I bought another set of tie downs, as we were taking 3 bikes down. So, off to Builders Warehouse (Men's Woolies!) and picked our a nice set. Good buckles, and hooks, and the straps looked fine (rated for 270kg).
We used these to tie down the Truimph 675, as it was a new bike, and I didn't want to rick using our old tiedowns in case they 'gave". What a joke.
On the way back, for some reason, I was not too happy with the set up, so kept an eye on the bikes. And then I noticed the Triumph lean agains the black XJR 1200. Quick stop, and check whats going on! One of the new straps had snapped! and the bike had leaned over. Lucky only a small part of the bike was touching the other, so there was only a small scrape of paintwork. Retie the bikes and on our way.
Some way down the highway, I notice the Triumphs front wheel / steering, it turned at an angle? Again, quick stop, and find a second strap had snapped! this time I outed the trusty pocket knife and cut a section out, and redid the tie down and secured everything properly, again.
All the way home I had to keep an eye out for the bikes in case we had another strap break.
So, Monday morning, I'm on the internet and look up the importers. Quickly find them, and send off an email asking what I can do to a) get a refund, or b) get a replacement with better straps. I had quite a bit to say about the quality of their product, and made sure they understood that had the bike actually come off the trailer, they would have been in for considerable costs.
Tuesday, I'm back at work, and by lunch time, no answer. So I call the head office. No answer. Pop off anothe email. This time from my company address...... And I ge a call almost instantly. Forst, an apology cause their telephone cables have once again been stolen, so they have no phones. (Had by now bought sim cards and were doing business via cellphone). Than a request to resubmit my complaint via email to a direct address (to the guy who heads up the specific product).
Done. Get a call fro him, have a chat, and says he will get back to me. Wednesday morning I get a call to say "We are very sorry about what happened. We will call Builders Warehouse to find out what they cosy you, and will send you a full refund, as well as replacement straps for the two that broke!" Please emial me your prefered address for delivery! And that was it. Sorted.
Not sure if I will use their straps, but I have a 40m roll of top quality strap, so will make up my own tie downs, and just use their buckle ratchets and hooks.
I think, for once, I got the service I expected! But, I will not be spending any more oney on their product soon. Not for "safety stuff" anyway!
You never cease to amaze me! Many (including myself) would've just chucked the buggers away & bought more. Good on ya for getting hold of the peeps concerned & organising a refund!
I bought a few packs from a Midas shop in Schleppsville & have to say they've worked admirably :-)
Hi Jayne, I think that's what most people will do. I'm just not going to accept poor product or service for my hard earned money, so whenever I can, I get my own back. An, having had a quick glance through the new Customer protection laws that came out recently, I know that even more now they have to come to the party. So, if it's not what they claim it to be - I eat their hearts!!1 Anyway, maybe I shouldn't have bough a "new" type, but rather another set of those I have, and that have worked well for 4 years or more.
Soon I will post a summary of all the times I have kicked back as the unhappy consumer, and the results thereof!
Chat soon.
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