
So, this is my Blog, my thoughts / feelings / ideas. You may comment if you like. If you attack me, I come back at you with reckless / racist / suicidal abandon. If you compliment me, I thank you. If you don't ever visit again I don't care. Other than that, just enjoy what I write, or not.

LIU - Look It Up!


Saturday, September 22, 2007

And finally, for today anyway,

Our neighbour (in front of our house) has started cutting down some of the trees seperating us. In doing so I will see more of his house which to date has been 98% obscured, but I will also have an improved view of "the view"!
This pic from our deck....



Fishman said...

Bloody Sam Roberts 98% of nothing is still....

Meerkat said...

My view on "the view" is that the view is 2% more viewable from where I'm viewing the view. Just my point of view of the view! But then my point of view might differ from your point of view! So what is your point of view of the view after 2% of the view was added to your previous non existing view of the view. Have any body else got other points of view on the view. Maybe me and Fishman got the wrong view? Or the wrong angle on the view?...It's a shit view viewing conversion batch jobs run at 1:00am on a Sunday morning waiting to view the results hopefully before we will view the sun viewing us! Hope you enjoy the view Bloody Sam Robberts

Fishman said...

Now that it is just past three on the Sunday morning I think I should change my view on the view. Meerkat’s point of view or rather theory on the view is miscued. If the theory can be viewed in should be accepted that the theory of the view can be viewed as true. So the theory is that the view can be viewed 2% better than what the view was before. To be mathematically correct one should view all the branches that were obscuring the view and deduct the branches that were removed from the subject’s A’s viewpoint. But not all people dependant on place and state have the same view as observed by subject’s A’s viewpoint. Now we can assume that the view for subject B can be 100%. Therefore Max’s viewpoint might be the shit view….

Meerkat said...
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Meerkat said...

v = v - b x p(square)

v = view
b = branches
p = perceived view

Hopes this clears the view

Fishman said...

Now if we use Meerkat’s Formula we can view a pictorial show of the image of the object as viewed from a skew direction in order to reveal all three directions of space in one picture of the view. It is a simple view…

Wreckless Euroafrican said...

You guys a fucking deranged... And that's MY VIEW!

Divemaster GranDad said...

Amazing...you guys talk more kak at 3am than you do after a night on the booze...that's my point of view :-)