
So, this is my Blog, my thoughts / feelings / ideas. You may comment if you like. If you attack me, I come back at you with reckless / racist / suicidal abandon. If you compliment me, I thank you. If you don't ever visit again I don't care. Other than that, just enjoy what I write, or not.

LIU - Look It Up!


Wednesday, August 01, 2007

What the F#@*

So my boss's boss has been deposed, and will now work in another, less important area. From there he will probably go on to become fucking president!

My ex boss from my previous position, is now my boss's boss! great, a white ou I get on with!!!

So Monday my boss asks me if I want to move into an OO position (opportunity owner) from my current OI position (opportunity identifier).
DUH!?!?! NO!!!!!

The Oi's go and see clients, tell them what we can do, identify any opp. and bring these back to the business. Once validated etc. we pass it on to the OO's, who do the scoping, resource sourcing, pricing, putting together the SOW / RFP or I response or proposal, QA, C&N (dna / blood samples / semen / hair cuttings / teeth x-rays.....). Then it's presented to the client and he signs, or does not sign, whatever.
Now, when it's a big opp. they can work through the weekends / late at night, etc. DUH!?! Like I want to do those things. Apart from the fact that there is almost zero back office support for the OO's, that mostly everyone is telling you why we should NOT be proposing, and why we can't do this piece of work....

So, I sed no thanx.

Today I got a call from my boss's new boss. He wants to meet with me in the morning to discuss the same thing. FUCK!

Now I gotta tell him no thanx, and my reasoning for it, and hope he buys into it. if not, he could force me to take the position, which means I will immediately be looking to move within the company, or out.


1 comment:

Seaman R/Bay said...

Looks like we are all getting new jobs