So, this is my Blog, my thoughts / feelings / ideas. You may comment if you like. If you attack me, I come back at you with reckless / racist / suicidal abandon. If you compliment me, I thank you. If you don't ever visit again I don't care. Other than that, just enjoy what I write, or not. Salagatle!
LIU - Look It Up!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
True to his word - another award
I received another award for my blogging, or lack thereoff, from who said:- "You need to get the Ass of the month award Thanks " and then promptly sent me one..... But thanx anyway....
Be happy as I wa sgoing to send you one of my ass but the scanner was not working
It's a nice ass you have there. Unlike my still bandaged and bleeding, infected one!
You need a toilet seat, please select one I e-mailed you as it is long overdue
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