
So, this is my Blog, my thoughts / feelings / ideas. You may comment if you like. If you attack me, I come back at you with reckless / racist / suicidal abandon. If you compliment me, I thank you. If you don't ever visit again I don't care. Other than that, just enjoy what I write, or not.

LIU - Look It Up!


Friday, June 02, 2006

Seaman R-bay .... he cares

Seaman R-Bay sent me a nice "Certificate of service" for my 10 years at this employer. He sed I could / should post it. However he has put the name of the company I work for across the top, and even though some / most of you may / might know who I work for, I am not comfortable to post it.
A check by one of their goons, random, searching the net, may expose my blogg to some overpaid, illiterate chimp with a tree trunk on his shoulder and could land me in the hot stuff.

So, Seaman, thanx for that, I may print it, and frame it, and hang it in my bar at home.


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