View from the balcony
The bedroom
Da huny moon suite ! Stru!!
But it was a good one overall.
Started out Friday night with a night away with the Princess. Last year for Xmas her boss gave all the staff a voucher for a night stay, including Dinner bed and breakfast, for two people. Princess booked for this past Friday, as did 2 other girls, so we were 6 people who were there together. And it was much fun, and an eye opened to be sure!
Firstly, the place is Toadbury Hall - yup, I think the name comes from some or other story book. It's nice, upper class establishment (if only for the prices) but the service is damn good, they employ a fine chef, so the food is damn good too. The rooms are spectacular, and due to her contact there, the Princess managed to wrangle the Honeymoon suite for the night!! Damn Fine!!
So, as stated there were 6 of us. me 'n the Princess, another young lady with her fiance, he was ok, and the third employee, also a young "lady", who had brought her sister with as she was between relationships. Well, the normal coule were ok, even if the guy was a bit young for any meaningful conversation, had there been an occasion for same. The two sisters were, well, as I said to the Princess later when we were alone in the room and she asked "Well, what do you think?" - SLUTS!
They two of them spent most of Friday evening bragging about their "explits". Now, I'm not stuck up, i've been around for a while, but at the level these two get done, it's tantamount to prostitution, without the financial reward! getting done in the toilets of the pub where you have spent half the night drinking, by the waiter / barman / manager or one of the patrons, who you just met that night is not something I would brag about.
In fact I mentioned that I would have a problem letting the Princess go out with them on a ladies night!
In today's world where sex is more dangerous than motorbikes, I really wonder at this level of intelligence! And then they wonder why they cant get nice boyfriends? Let me tell you ladies, throwing yourself at guys is never going to get you into a long term relationship, the best you can expect is a quick and dirty shag in the change rooms, toilet stall, or, at best, back at you place. But don't expect any respect the next day! Nuff about them.
The food at this joint is superb. The service is great.
Dinner was smashing. Breakfast a feast for a king.
We eventually left at about 11 am, as we did have stuff to do for the rest of Saturday, but is was a great break for the two of us.
Anyway - we had a nice time, and didn't cost a cent!
Did you get the sluts' phone numbers for me? :-)
Sounds like you enjoyed yourself...good stuff... Say Hi to Princess for us...
Put it this way DMD, I can get their numbers if you really want, but believe me, you don't!
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