So, when last did you all go through your current policies, and evaluate them/ With my current financial position, I recently stared looking at mine. What a lot of crap!
Needless to say, policies which are 10 years and older are not worth keeping. I have one that has been running for about 17 years, the current monthly payment is ZAR950.00, the cover is for death, around ZAR650,000.00, and / or disability, about the same amount. Current cash value, if I stop the cover and have it paid out is around ZAR30,000.00. DONE! There is no way I will continue to pay ZAR 106k + per annum for a policy which is basically worthless. So I'm considering canceling it, taking the payout, and getting pissed!!!
Two others are currently under investigation.
In fact, I think I can replace all 3 with a new one, life only, for ZAR3m, for less than half the current monthly charges. Makes more sense.
Short term insurance is also getting the beady eye. Some stuff to come off, some to be downgraded to 3rd Party, Fire and theft, as opposed to Full Comprehensive. Fuck that. I only need to make sure the ZAR2m Merc that someone might crash into is covered, our stuff we can fix ourselves, or bin it!
Cell phones, now there's an interesting thing. my monthly bill is in excess of ZAR1500.00. Mostly business calls. Trying to get the company to reimburse is becoming a nightmare.
So, now I'm getting a cheap contract for myself for private use, the current one will be my business phone. Every month I will submit the full statement for reimbursement. Any further resistance to paying out will see me put a limit of ZAR620 on my business phone. That's as much as my allowance is. thereafter, sorry, I am not available.
Looks like we in for some fun on that front!
Today I also sent off an email to the CFO and her sidekick, showing them that there is no way the company has any idea whet they are doing with regards my commission payments.
I called on 3 different people, all in positions of responsibility for revenue stream calculations. All three did a "pull" in the system for revenue in my accounts for 2nd Half 2009, and all three came back with different numbers. And all of them with numbers higher than those reflected on the official earnings web page! Who's fucking who here guys?
Anyway, I said that I expect some resolution quickly, as I have earned that commission, it's due to me, and it's due now. I am not here to subsidise the company.
By my calculation I am owed around ZAR80k, before tax........ Should take care of the overdraft at least!!!
Apart from the above, life is great! Fishman has asked me to send him my CV, and although I was initially keen, and may still do so eventually, I'm not sure I want to swap one IT company for another. It's just not where my soul wants to be at this time. So, I'll keep it under consideration, and thank buddy, but not quite yet.
GMan is managing to pay his own way for now (personal expenses like going out etc.) with his poker earnings, so I just take care of his Uni fees, petrol (some) and daily running costs. he's even footing the bill for his car repairs..... Sorry my boy, but times are really really tough.
This past weekend, whilst we were at the Kruger National Park, I got a call from Sara (Witness's friend) to say that his widow asked her to call to say she has no food..... I can see that her situation is now my problem. Anyway, Monday I went to the store, and bought a whole lot of stuff, and dropped it off for her, including some cash fro her to by paraffin with (used for cooking). Problem is I actually cannot afford to do this, not right now, but hey, can I really ignore the situation? So, we do what we can......
Maybe there will be some payback for this good will someday....
Not my business but before I would donate items to Witness's widow I would take Fishman's offer. It could be a whole different ball game!
I blog with "Jayne with a why" who I think lives near Pretoria and she said that they are looking for people where her husband works. I'm not sure what the project is but it sounds quite interesting. Go check her blog and see what happens !
Sir - you are a gentleman and you will get your reward in heaven....
Your altruism is an example to us all
I'm humbled
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