
So, this is my Blog, my thoughts / feelings / ideas. You may comment if you like. If you attack me, I come back at you with reckless / racist / suicidal abandon. If you compliment me, I thank you. If you don't ever visit again I don't care. Other than that, just enjoy what I write, or not.

LIU - Look It Up!


Monday, September 03, 2007

Damn mangy dumb dawg

I received this video from a friend. Not sure if I had to get permission to post it, but if I did, send me the correct email address of the "owner" and I'll write him.

In the mean time, enjoy this.

(PS - I also noticed that the "upload video" button had appeared on my menu above so I thought I'd try it......)


1 comment:

skinnylittleblonde said...

Lol...video uplink button works! Although I laughed out at this video, I hafta wonder why he sees his foot as such an intruder?! Too funny, that poor baby.