
So, this is my Blog, my thoughts / feelings / ideas. You may comment if you like. If you attack me, I come back at you with reckless / racist / suicidal abandon. If you compliment me, I thank you. If you don't ever visit again I don't care. Other than that, just enjoy what I write, or not.

LIU - Look It Up!


Friday, August 17, 2007

Afrikaans is beter

From an email:-

Krisjan: "Goeie more. Maak vol met Super, asseblief."
Attendant: "How much?"
Krisjan: "Vol asseblief."
Attendant: "I only speak English Sir!"
Krisjan: "Noooo problem.... Good day to you, Sir. I currently feel a profound desire to replenish the propellant of my motorized vehicle. Therefore, I cordially request you to transfer, from your subterranean reservoir, a sufficient quantity of combustible fluid of the highest octane rating to fill the appropriate receptacle of the said means of perambulation to the brim."
Attendant: "Hau?"
Krisjan: "Do you have a problem Sir? I thought you said you spoke English?"
Attendant: "English..... that, she is not English!"
Krisjan: "My dear Sir, are you veritably attempting to insinuate that you do not even recognize the language which you allege to be your singular means of communication?"
Attendant: "Hau?"
Krisjan: "Let me attempt to elucidate in the most elementary terms your paltry grasp of the English vernacular is frittering away the time at my disposal, or, as I would put it, in a more civilized, intelligible language...."
"Dit is fokken duidelik dat jy Fokkol van Engels weet. So, kry jou slapgat in rat en maak hierdie bliksemse kar se tank vol voordat ek hier uitklim en jou moer, want jy mors my donnerse tyd!!!!!!!!! Verstaan jy nou?!!"
Attendant: "Ja, Meneer. Vol, Meneer? Afrikaans is beter, Meneer"

You gotta luv it!



Seaman R/Bay said...

Swartman by werkloosheids-kantoor
"Ek wil werk, ek wil hard werk, ek soek min geld en staak nie"
Wit man antwoord "Goeie pos vir jou - R50,000.00 per maand, 2 x per jaar oorsee, 13de tjek, en 4 x 4 D/Cab"
Swarte: "Jy lieg vir my!"
Wit ou: "Ja, ma jy`t eerste begin kak gepraat"

Seaman R/Bay said...

A Guy applies for a job at a new South African Government Department.

The interviewer asks, "Are you disabled in any way?"

"Yes!" the guy says, "A landmine blew my testicles away!"

"O.K. you're hired!" the interviewer announces, "Working hours are from 8 till 5 o'clock. Make sure you're here by 10 every morning!"
Puzzled the guy says "8 till 5, why do you want me to come in only at 10?"

"This is a government job," the interviewer says, "the first two hours we just sit around scratching our balls ... no point in you coming in for that!"