This weekend was spend doing a some of the maintenance that goes with being a homeowner. I'm always surprised at how much can get done if you put your mind to it, and at how much I am capable of (handyman stuff) which other people pay good money to have done.
It also gave me a lot of time to think about various things, not least of which was my friend Ross's blogg. (I linked it in one of my previous bloggs, and its CNUT in my list of Links)
His latest offering was about a relationship he had, and how it went kind of squiggly on him. Now, we've all had good / bad relationships, but how many of us have the ability to make a riveting story out of it? How many of us can capture the minds of so many readers, for more than a few minutes anyway? He's such a great writer.
Anyway, so I went through some of my relationships in my head, and I couldn't string together more than a couple of lines of anything interesting for any one of them. Is it because I have a poor recollection, or are my experiences just less interesting (no question about that), or is it just that I am not a good "story teller"?
Whichever, I know that I can't pull this one off, so I'll stick to my "Explosive" poems, which may never get printed, but damn well are a reflection of my inner self, and possibly my soul.
Well, I like to think so anyway.......
We do read your blogg !!!
Just note some of us work !!!!
Hey Max,
How goes it? All well and good I hope.
Any chance you could post some of your poetry?
Thanks again for the compliments.
(fellow writer/poet/author/dunce.)
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