
So, this is my Blog, my thoughts / feelings / ideas. You may comment if you like. If you attack me, I come back at you with reckless / racist / suicidal abandon. If you compliment me, I thank you. If you don't ever visit again I don't care. Other than that, just enjoy what I write, or not.

LIU - Look It Up!


Thursday, March 15, 2007

THAT call.....

Everyday, some where, someone gets THAT call. In different countries around the world, THAT call means different things, but generally, I suppose, THAT call could / would be one to tell you that someone near and dear has passed. We all have got them, and will get them, and you almost expect it, sometimes.

However, In South Africa we have a broader option when we talk about THAT call.
It's the school asking you to come and see them for something your kid did.
It's your security company to tell you that your home has been broken into.
It's your wife to say her car's been stolen outside the mall.
It's a friend to say so-and-so has been mugged / robbed / hijacked / raped / murdered.

Or, it's a family member to say "We're emigrating"!

I got that call last night. For those of you who don't know, Seaman R.Bay is my little brother. http://seamanrbay.blogspot.com/
He works for a large multinational company, and on their internal net he found an advert for a job in Australia. He submitted his CV and stuff, and yesterday was successful with the telephonic interview. He's made the shortlist. Now they are going to fly him and his wife to Oz to have a look at the town they will be living in, and the place where he will work. All this at the company's cost. If he likes it, and is made a firm offer and accepts, they will assist him with all the mandatory, like applications / work visas, etc. They will also pay for his move, and stuff.

It's a massive opportunity for him and his family, and as excited that I am for him, it will also break my heart. But he must go. He owes it to himself, his family, dammit, he owes it to me. We must be all that we can be. And if others must pain for some to succeed, well then so be it.

I love you boet, you know this, and I will dearly miss you and your family, but I will never regret telling you to go.



Seaman R/Bay said...

Let's first get the job, then we can plan how & what. The best is that you will an upgrade on your hoilday house !!!

Solomonster said...

Hey - I've MADE that call - it's not easy on the other side of the fence either...