
So, this is my Blog, my thoughts / feelings / ideas. You may comment if you like. If you attack me, I come back at you with reckless / racist / suicidal abandon. If you compliment me, I thank you. If you don't ever visit again I don't care. Other than that, just enjoy what I write, or not.

LIU - Look It Up!


Friday, March 03, 2006

Spiraling ..... out of control

It's a spiral, but it only goes down!
How's that possible? Makes no sense!
Surely spirals are dual ended?
Surely then I can turn around?

I can't keep going one way
The bottom is too far off
Even if it is rushing
like an oncoming train!

I've got to turn this thing
And go the other way
Cause once you hit the bottom
There's no coming back

My bloggings been getting desperate
It's really all f***ed up
And I don't really think it's helping
Venting it out this way....

Seems that some are getting worried
One reader sent advise
Sez he can "feel" my inner anguish
And sez I need to find some peace........

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