
So, this is my Blog, my thoughts / feelings / ideas. You may comment if you like. If you attack me, I come back at you with reckless / racist / suicidal abandon. If you compliment me, I thank you. If you don't ever visit again I don't care. Other than that, just enjoy what I write, or not.

LIU - Look It Up!


Thursday, March 09, 2006

It's another one of those.......

Today is another bad day. I am so pissed off as I sit here and type. It cannot be possible that such a big organisation can put it's faith in such a bunch of bloody stupid f*ing arseholes. The mind boggles! I can't seem to get anything out of anyone in what is considered a reasonable time frame.
It's bullshit man!
We get sales target which are impossible, and then get hamstrung all the time while trying to close deals. It's absolute crap. If I wasn't white skinned, I'd resign and go and work for the competition, problem is they can't hire me cause they also trying to meet their BEE quotas!

Which is why I have a problem here in the first place. It's amazing how companies will do anything to meet these prescribed quotas, even to the detriment of their business! We going to end up in a big hole for sure. There is no way that the economy can continue to grow at the current rate based on the fact that the "delivery" part of the fraction is being eroded away.

And don't come and post some stupid damn comment about me being a racist, or if I don't like the way the country is being run I should leave, cause my short response is "FUCK YOU"!
I am as much an African as you are, irrespective of the colour of my skin. At least I can hold my head up knowing I got my job be I am good at what I do, not because I know someone / am related to someone /am the right colour!

One day we will realise that we have erred, and then the reconstruction can begin. But in the mean time, instead of pulling the "have nots" up towards the level of the "have's" it's easier to pull the "have's" down towards the "have not's"!
And it is evident everywhere. They don't upgrade previously disadvantaged schools, no, they shut them down, and send all the kids to school where it was previously advantaged, so now it's overcrowded, good teachers have left, funding is cut, and basically, it's a disadvantaged school!

So the people in the townships get shit service! They want better schools, community centers, police stations, etc. And rightfully so. But because the local and or national government ignores them, they proceed to burn down the facilities they have. So now they have nothing at all! Hey, there is some intelligence there?
So next we have a local election. Best time to boot out the corrupt "do nothing" council, and vote in someone who may deliver.
NO WAY! We either refuse to vote (in protest of the poor service delivery), or we vote for the current regime because our hearts (not minds) say so, to make sure that THE WHITE PARTY DOES NOT WIN THE ELECTION!!!!!
Yahoo..... much intelligence there!!!!! So the current corrupt non delivery bunch of tripe eating dummys win the election! Now were back to square 1!

I have a theory that by 2020 a predominantly white party will be in a position to regain control of the country by democratic vote.... and then the rebuilding can begin. Until then it's everyone for himself, and God help us!



jenny said...

As a young girl I would watch on tv or read in the papers about life in RSA. We even did it in school...the blacks being treated like shit by the white man, the poverty, mandela etc etc. I took a bit of intrest because I had family and friends over there,all whites, who seemed to live opulent lives. I was a strong beliver, and still am, that blacks should be treated the same as whites. The world got involved and govts around the globe had their say. Then hey presto they freed Mandela, Blacks got a better deal and the world switched off thinking "job done".

It's always the way. A big fuss is caused and something happens and the world powers assume they've done there bit...fuck what happens after that then! They don't report about RSA here much anymore...well there's no fighting or bad stuff happening is there? Oh yes there is it's just that it's not seen as important enough on a world stage anymore...now if you were all starving...well Bob Geldof would rush to help!
Funny how sometimes views are...no pun intended...very black and white. We all want the right thing but damned if anyone knows what it is. I was one of the ignorant who thought "job done". Thanks for educating me Max. Now if your really looking for a career change may I suggest politics??? I could see abright future there for you!

Wreckless Euroafrican said...

Thanx Jenny.... as for politics. well I'm the wrong colour, yet again!

me said...

I feel so... insulated when I read your blog. Like Jenny said what the world sees is the upheaval and not the afterwards. As for politics, you MAY be the wrong colour... You are DEFINATELY too honest.

Timbuktu Chronicles said...

I wonder which part of South Africa you come from as I seem not to recall us having portions of our country where things are as horrible as you claim.If you could maybe bring us into your confidence about schools that have been closed and kids sent to one in white areas.
Black people shouldn`t be blamed for not voting for the white party of your choice which state it will come to power in 2020.South African politics are moving away from colour as determinent and as such there wont be a predominently white party to talk of in 2020.
I think it is about time that some white people be liberated from the victim mentally and to start seeing themselves as South Africans.
That way they will start enjoying this beautiful country the Proteas and boerewors.