Just heard on the radio that there has been a 20 car / 6 truck pile up on the main highway to the coast. Brilliant! The detour will add 2 hours to the trip if the mess isn't cleared on time and the road reopened!!
Damn stupid bloody idiot drivers.
You would think when it's raining, and misty and all fogged up that the people on the roads would take more car. But NO! Many don't switch on their light, almost no one slows down! In fact some speed up, thinking the quicker they get through this bad weather, the better. Dunmbfnucks!!!!
So we got a truck carrying ethanol, lying on it's side, and leaking. We got some people trapped in their cars. We got jaws of life, ambulances, helicopters..... All over the place.
Anyway, will be off line for the next 2 - 3 days.
Will post results of the race then. Hoping junior will break the 30 minute swim time this year!!!
Now I've seen it all........
Swimming goggles with a built in mp3 player...... damn!!!!!

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