
So, this is my Blog, my thoughts / feelings / ideas. You may comment if you like. If you attack me, I come back at you with reckless / racist / suicidal abandon. If you compliment me, I thank you. If you don't ever visit again I don't care. Other than that, just enjoy what I write, or not.

LIU - Look It Up!


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Password, User name, log on's, etc.....

Damn, I nearly lost it all.
Got a new laptop today. They moved most of my stuff from the old one to this one. But what didn't come across was all the "hidden" stuff, like my auto logins etc. Especially the one for this site. And what with having to remember about 300 passwords, logins, etc. This one was gone.

However the Blog guys have a fantastic system and with their help I have recovered it all.
So I am back and blogging!!!

So, I'm thinking, maybe I should write a piece of code which can collate / store all my logins, user names, passwords ect., and which can connect to my cell phone and PDA and my wristwatch. That way I should always have any details I might need at hand!

Mmmm... Good idea, now where did I put that book
"Code for Idiots"...?!!!!

Later all! Salagatle

From Google images.....................


Divemaster GranDad said...

Yo...why go and educate yourself by learning to write code when a large number of propeller-heads have made it easy for you? Go to www.downloads.com and check out all such applications they have there. It'll save you a load of time...and your brain cell. :-)

Wreckless Euroafrican said...