
So, this is my Blog, my thoughts / feelings / ideas. You may comment if you like. If you attack me, I come back at you with reckless / racist / suicidal abandon. If you compliment me, I thank you. If you don't ever visit again I don't care. Other than that, just enjoy what I write, or not.

LIU - Look It Up!


Monday, June 28, 2010

My latest trophy

So, the local cricket team at the club I frequent, they go under the name "The Bar Fly's", are going on a cricket tour later this year. One of the players heard that I had made some trophies, and asked if I would make one for them.
No Problem I said, as I had some ideas, and the required stuff. So I got the goods ready in the garage (Read workshop), and for a few weeks just kept toying with various ideas. Saturday morning I got out the tools, and threw this together.

The bat I cut off about a third of the way up, at 45deg and mounted on the board. The ball I cut a piece off the bottom to give it a flat base, and the bottle (12 YR Old Glenfidich single malt) which I recently finished, I drilled a hole through the bottom.
Gave the wood work a few coats of Woodock and then screwed the whole lot together.
I will have a name plate made for the front of the bat, to be fitted across the top. It should read "Khosa Bar Flies Cricket, Nelspruit tour, 2010".
Then as the teams win it each year, they can have the plate set below this name plate.

What you all think?



Jayne said...

Rather creative methinks & much better than a T-shirt :-)

Went Bush Happy for the weekend = no TV, radio, t'internet. Got home & saw the ze Germans (don't mention ze war) beat England. Rather upsetting for some, what what.......

Wreckless Euroafrican said...

Thanx Jayne...... Wish I had gone "bushy" for the weekend too. I am so tired of bad ref decisions, and damn prima donnas (read Roanldo) throwing themselves to the ground in the hope of getting a free kick / penalty.....

Ah well, The Germans played well, as did Argentina. Ghana, the last African hope, are doing well too - but I think they might have won their last game here....


Bruthafromanothamutha said...

Wreckless strikes again - nice one!